
Con't on Ivan 3 mths clinic

Last thursday i brought ivan to his 3 mths clinic.. went with diona and my cousin. my hubby is not with us. he's out somewhere in telupid (outstation)..kesian juga took ivan to clinic alone..apa boleh buat la..

surprise for me!! Ivan gain 6.4 kg weight..alamak berat juga dia ni padahal i saw macam tidak membesar (kah kah..) but my neighbour said biasa bah tu..sbb ko selalu nampak thats why mangkali... his tall was 55 cm..panjang ka tu?

also..ivan got his second jarum that day..dos kedua..yang demam punya lagi..first when he going to kena jarum... ivan started to cry mau minta nenen... saya pun bagilah..the nurse said ya berabis la ko nenen nanti ko kena cucuk ni..outside i heard diona scream my name...MAMI!!!...odoi punya kuat lagi tu.. the practical nurse then took diona to the room... so messy la inside the room..mcm sardin..

bila ivan kena jarum dia menangis kuat ooo... poor him. heard his brother cries c diona also cry...MAMI NAPA IVAN CRY!!!! (sambil menangis)...adeh sudah satu menangis yang satu lagi menangis...

on that evening ivan start to demam.. i gave him ubat panas..but not working. he cries all the time..saya pun terikut menangis oo.. iya lo my huby and my mum is not around, melayan lagi kerenah si diona, ivan lagi menangis...ARRGGH!! tension juga la... but selepas ivan dilap2 barula he's ok sikit...he sleep after that..thanks god ..finally i can managed the house after the kids sleep..but i miss my hubby..ARG!!!